Thursday, September 3, 2009

And now a message from the Belove'd Leader

Here comes more liberal Leftism, folks! Barack Obama is planning to make a speech to the schoolkids of our nation. Now that, in itself, is not so unusual or scary. Other presidents have spoken to our children. President Bush told them to stay off drugs in a televised address. Other presidents have had other messages for our students over the years. However, this is the first time that a Presidential speech aimed at students has included a lesson plan. And what a lesson plan this one is!

Students are encouraged to think about what the President is saying to them and what the President wants them to do. Isn't this an awesome load for kids not even in their teens? By the way, just exactly what does the President intend to say to our kids and ask them to do? Where is the politically responsible content in this lesson plan? Where are the questioning behaviors? Why is there no direction to ask kids if they agree with what the President just said or what they think we should do about whatever President Obama brings up?

The answer to that seems clear to me. The NEA was in lockstep with the liberals to get the Obamas into the White House and they are using the President's bully pulpit to press home their advantage to further indoctrinate our kids in what they deem to be proper socialization. When did our schools become all about how our kids are socialized instead of about the 3 R's? When will we realize that this is the garbage that takes up the time that is putting us farther and farther behind the rest of the industrialized nations in academics?

Fortunately for us, we homeschool our sons and the one that we have yet to finish off will be watching the speech with some additional questions. We are going to teach him to think for himself, not to sit around wondering what Barack Obama wants him to do. The Liberals want everyone to think alike, to act alike and have the same values, as long as they are liberal values, liberal thoughts and liberal actions. That is why they want our school children to be thinking about what President Obama wants them to do. Given some of Barack Obama's supporters and stances he has taken on issues our family cares about, I shudder to think what President Obama wants my sons to do.

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